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kniha Ruth´s Journey

VydavatelBohemian Ventures, Spol. S R.o.
AutorMcCaig Donald
Expedice1-3 dny
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Cena po slevě307 Kč s 10% DPH (279 Kč bez DPH)
Set against the backdrop of the American South from the 1820s until the dawn of the Civil War, this is a remarkable story of fortitude, heartbreak and indomitable will - and a tale that will forever illuminate the reading of Margaret Mitchell's unforgettable classic, Gone with the Wind. From Ruth's early years as the beautiful young companion to a strong-willed French emigre mistress, to her breief marriage and finally to her life's calling as the wise and devoted caretaker to the women of the Robillard and O'Hara families, Ruth has known days of joy and unspeakable sadness. This is her story.
Počet stran:384
Rok vydání:2015
Dostupnost:> 100 ks
Vazba:Kniha, paperback
Hmotnost:274 000 g
Rozměry:200 x 130 mm
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