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The View from the Cheap Seats

VydavatelBohemian Ventures, Spol. S R.o.
AutorGaiman Neil
Expedice1-3 dny
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Cena po slevě422 Kč s 10% DPH (384 Kč bez DPH)
A collection of speeches, articles, essays and introductions from Sunday Times bestselling author, commentator and craftsman Neil Gaiman. The View from the Cheap Seats draws together myriad non-fiction writing by international phenomenon and Sunday Times bestselling author Neil Gaiman. From Make Good Art, the speech that went viral, to pieces on artists and legends including Terry Pratchett and Lou Reed, the collection offers a glimpse into the head and heart of one of the most acclaimed writers of our time. 'Literature does not occur in a vacuum. It cannot be a monologue. It has to be a conversation' Welcome to the conversation. Neil Gaiman fled the land of journalism to find truths through storytelling and sanctuary in not needing to get all the facts right. Of course, the real world continued to make up its own stories around him, and he has responded over the years with a wealth of ideas and introductions, dreams and speeches. Here 'we can meet the writer full on' (Stephen Fry) as
Počet stran:532
Rok vydání:2016
Dostupnost:Posledni kusy
Vazba:Kniha, paperback
Hmotnost:800 000 g
Rozměry:234 x 153 mm
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